Friday, March 20, 2020

Take A Timeout

There is so much going on around us that it is hard to get a moments peace. The job(if you still have one), wife (if you still have one), the kids( if they have not made you crazy enough to run away from home, along with the wife bugging you all day). I just want to tell you that it is time for you to take a timeout for yourself. To go somewhere alone to think, to pray, to meditate, to shout(cry/curse), and get your head together. Not for the family's sack, but for your own. You may have a family depending on you, but unless you get time to just to release that stress and tension it will kill you. You may not know this but stress can kill. It can lead to stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure, and many other problems. We as men always think that we can handle anything. It may be true to a point but we always go above that limit. We get ourselves in trouble then by arguing with the wife, kicking the dog and yelling at the kids, when deep down inside , we know that it is not there fault. It is the stress of dealing with problems that have gotten out of hand. The mortgage is past due, the car is about to get repo'd, and all the bills are past due. You have nowhere to turn because everyone else is in the same boat. Right?
The thing I suggest is to tell your family that you love them and you are not truly mad or upset with them. That times are hard and they may be hard for awhile, but we will be o.k. As long as we do what we can do to stay together. What I'm saying is tell the family the truth about what is going on. If need be, work it out as a family by having a family meeting every month over dinner. Do what you can to find work even if you have to do handyman/ odd jobs to make ends meet.
If you are out of work, how about just starting with the things that you can handle first. Like doing those repairs around the house that cost little or nothing. Doing the repairs that you know how to do for your family, friends and neighbors to make a little pocket money. Think about starting your own business in relation to the repairs you have been doing for the people you know. They can network for you to people they know to get you work. If you know about computers or can tutor kids. You have talent, use what you know to help others. Even think about doing some volunteer work at your church, community center and/or hospital. You never know who you may meet that can lead to a job that pays.
If this is not for you, just get out of the house everyday, even if it is to take a walk around the block. Look up at the sky, not down at your feet, you already feel crappy. So, stop looking down at your problems and start looking up for a solution from on high.
There are many things that you can do to get your mind off your problems. I have come to understand that when you start helping others with their issues and problems, your situation doesn't seem so bad. We all are going to have to change the way we have been doing things because the old ways don't work anymore. This country will never be the same , but it can be better and greater than ever. It is time for all of us to start thinking and acting different. What I means is living on what you actually make, instead of on credit. Buy only what you need and save for what you want. Plant a garden in part of your back yard. Ride the bus and train to work, or even a bike.
I know that you can handle anything. You didn't get this far to quit! Use what God has given you! You have talent(s) that you have not even tapped into yet! We are MEN! Start being it! You can do anything! Just believe, don't try, DO! Take no excuses and don't give any! God will bless you and your household 🙏 pray with your family and for your community. Most of all pray for yourself. Your heart/spirit will lead your mind if you allow it. Combined you will obtain inner peace and prosperity. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

New Year is Cause for Change

New home, new start
We have been doing a great deal over the past few months. We have moved into our own place, my daughter as also gotten her own apartment. Then my son, his fiancee' and their son have moved around the corner from us. Then over the holiday, I lost my  job, was a total shock. In a way I am glad that it happened. It has given me a chance to rethink what I want to do for the remainder of my life. It is just my wife and I. This will be the first time in twenty-three years that we have be totally alone. I hope that it will give us time to work on some personal things.

       It is also time for me to put more focus and energy into my ministry because the job I had did not have that much respect for those that have a strong spiritual life. That is what is wrong with this country. The greed and lust for money has replaced our desire to have a strong spiritual life. We seem to have forgotten what is important in life. When I look at the news from around the world, all I see is war, terrorist, murder, rape, and hate. The very few acts of love and charity are far and between all the hell that we have allowed to come into our lives.
       I plan to get another job, but my career is my ministry and nothing else. We all have something to offer our families, our communities and in the long round, the nation. All the things considered, we all have to make an individual choice to care or not care about what is happening around us.      I know that one person can make a difference, just look at history. It is time that each individual start taking care of business that will bring about of change that will benefit not only the individual but also the community. The wealthy and powerful have a straw in all of us and they want to suck us dry. That is why we suffer in order to make life easy for them. That is why the Republican Party is only interested in taking care of themselves that are at the top of the food chain.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I had to take a great deal of time off. I know for some that is suppose to be writing a blog that is a death sentence. however i have relocated to another part of the U.S. and had to help my wife get settled into her routine (she is praying for a new kidney) of Doctor Appointment, Dialysis and finding her way round a city that we have not been in for almost twenty plus years.

Then I had to find work that i could get to on the bus. we left the car, because we didn't have enough money to repair it and move too. I t has been a great learning experience for me. We thank god for all those that have helped us and even those that turned their back on us because they had their hand out and we had nothing or very little to put in it.

We have learned about true friendship, love and family. That is the main reason that I decided to write at this time. We have been through so much, some is of our own making, and I must take the responsibility for it all, I am the head. God made me the head of this house and it falls or grows stronger as to the choices I have made. I thank God for wisdom that I gain from his word, the spiritual connection that my wife and I have with our Lord to deal with each days challenges.

As I grow in faith, allowing God to work in me and be his instrument for those I come in contact with you will see me write more, until then ....BE BLESSED,GROW IN FAITH, BE PROSPEROUS THOUGH THE LIVE OF GOD!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

God's Law

           When life is not going as you want or intended, the easy thing to do is blame it on something or someone else. We are all very good at looking at an outside reason for what is wrong in our life. How did things get the way they are?

It is simple- CHOICE.

           We never desire to think about what could happen or what we allow to happen as the root cause of our life being as it is. In order for life to go in a certain direction, you must have a plan, not a dream.

            God had a a plan when the universe was formed and created. God gave a command based upon the plan that was laid out long before man first foot print was placed upon this earth. Do you think the laws of God have changed?

             Not one bit. No matter what mankind attempts to do, the laws of the universe that God established will never change. Gods commandments are based upon these laws and and are the foundation of all creation. If you wish to create the life you dream about and desire to have, follow the laws and commandments of God's Universe. The first and greatest of these is LOVE. If you can't get that, the others want matter. 

            This means that you have to be humble(not weak), understanding, caring, respectful, honorable, truthful, trusting, loyal, giving, faithful, thoughtful, patience, insightful, fore-sightful, forgiving, creative, high-minded, grounded, free, joyous, helpful, prayerful, healthy, wise, holy, powerful, willing to sacrifice, uplifting, energized, and of course "immeasurably God focused". Think you can't do it? Jesus did it. So can you and I.....

        "Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you, I do not speak on my own initiative, but the Father residing in me performs his miraculous deeds.  Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me, but if you do not believe me, believe because of the miraculous deeds themselves.  I tell you the solemn truth, the person who believes in me will perform the miraculous deeds that I am doing, and will perform greater deeds than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it." John 14:10-14.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Which Do You Fear?

Adam was afraid and hide from God because he had sinned. But do we do so when we sin? No! We have become so bold that we do it the light. Some even do it in church and from the Pulpit! Some may do things in the dark, but God sees all, and the dark thinks we do will come to light. Why do we not fear God? We state easily that we love the Lord, but I never hear anyone( Pastor, Evangelist, Pastor or Bishop) say they fear God, and it is stated in scripture more times that I can count. Which do you fear most God, man or death?

I , like everyone else have sinned. I to do not fear God as I should. It hits me to the deepest part of my being that I do not reverence the my Lord God, as I should. I have allowed man and this world to dictate to me whom I should fear.

But I am learning to fear no man, for he can only harm my flesh, but not my spirit. Jesus, died not for this world, but for mankind to inherit the kingdom that can only be obtained by those who live by the spirit that is within. God is spirit. God's Breath that brought Adam to life can only be taken by God, which is the giver and taker of life. So who should you fear God or Man?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Excellent Spirit

Is it or is it not, true that living a holy life is the goal of every man and woman of God? Then don't get in my way (judge me) if I decide to live holy, just because you don't. To many times we allow others to dictate to us as to how we shall live. And I am not saying, that I'm better than anyone else, because we are all flawed. I just prefer to get to HEAVEN, not hell. I'm working on having a "excellent spirit" like Daniel. {Daniel 6:2-25}

Stop letting other dictate to you how you should live your life. If Jesus had listen to Peter, and the other disciples, would he had gone to the cross for your sins? Sometimes we have to live not as man wants us to, but as God wills us to. Stop letting the world and your flesh have control of your life. You live your life according to the laws that God gave to every man and woman of God.
  • love
  • prayer
  • loyalty
  • truth
  • forgiveness
  • grace
  • compassion
  • sacrifice
  • wisdom
  • faith
  • hope
  • joy
These and many other attributes are the keys to heaven. I not good at all of them, but I make every effort to do as God wills me. I know that we can have a better life when we put love into what we do. Don't do everything based on man's ideas of what is right. Look to God. Ask yourself sometimes-" How excellent is my spirit?"

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Time For Me

This has been a a very strange time for me. I have been at home for the past few weeks due to my job cutting hours. It has given me time to pray, meditate, read and study God's word; and great times with my family. I know that this year will be full of challenges that will be wisdom building experiences. Whatever wisdom I gain, will be shared with you. Spiritual growth and family prosperity is very important to me. However, remember prosperity is not always monetary, it is also quality of life that each of us desires for those we love and care for.

One of the first things I did was review my list. This list is truly two list in one. It is a list I did this summer . It is a list of what I like and what I dislike about my life. It was a very interesting and learning experience. It help me to realize the numerous hurdles that I still have to overcome. It also showed that I still had fears that are keeping me from living a better life.

It showed that I have spent a lot of time doing things that are not productive. In other words I am a "procrastinator". It is not surprising that so many people see me doing more than what I have accomplished. I guess I will never live up to my potential. It is hard when you have always made mistakes and refuse to learn from them. I think a lot of what I have not done. It has given me the thought that I spend to much time thinking about my past and mistakes , and not enough effort on what I can do right.

I feel it is now time to give myself the life that is equal to my potential. I have decide to take some time to change how I think about myself. There is nothing that anyone can do to change me I am the only one that can do it. It is time for me.