Friday, March 20, 2020

Take A Timeout

There is so much going on around us that it is hard to get a moments peace. The job(if you still have one), wife (if you still have one), the kids( if they have not made you crazy enough to run away from home, along with the wife bugging you all day). I just want to tell you that it is time for you to take a timeout for yourself. To go somewhere alone to think, to pray, to meditate, to shout(cry/curse), and get your head together. Not for the family's sack, but for your own. You may have a family depending on you, but unless you get time to just to release that stress and tension it will kill you. You may not know this but stress can kill. It can lead to stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure, and many other problems. We as men always think that we can handle anything. It may be true to a point but we always go above that limit. We get ourselves in trouble then by arguing with the wife, kicking the dog and yelling at the kids, when deep down inside , we know that it is not there fault. It is the stress of dealing with problems that have gotten out of hand. The mortgage is past due, the car is about to get repo'd, and all the bills are past due. You have nowhere to turn because everyone else is in the same boat. Right?
The thing I suggest is to tell your family that you love them and you are not truly mad or upset with them. That times are hard and they may be hard for awhile, but we will be o.k. As long as we do what we can do to stay together. What I'm saying is tell the family the truth about what is going on. If need be, work it out as a family by having a family meeting every month over dinner. Do what you can to find work even if you have to do handyman/ odd jobs to make ends meet.
If you are out of work, how about just starting with the things that you can handle first. Like doing those repairs around the house that cost little or nothing. Doing the repairs that you know how to do for your family, friends and neighbors to make a little pocket money. Think about starting your own business in relation to the repairs you have been doing for the people you know. They can network for you to people they know to get you work. If you know about computers or can tutor kids. You have talent, use what you know to help others. Even think about doing some volunteer work at your church, community center and/or hospital. You never know who you may meet that can lead to a job that pays.
If this is not for you, just get out of the house everyday, even if it is to take a walk around the block. Look up at the sky, not down at your feet, you already feel crappy. So, stop looking down at your problems and start looking up for a solution from on high.
There are many things that you can do to get your mind off your problems. I have come to understand that when you start helping others with their issues and problems, your situation doesn't seem so bad. We all are going to have to change the way we have been doing things because the old ways don't work anymore. This country will never be the same , but it can be better and greater than ever. It is time for all of us to start thinking and acting different. What I means is living on what you actually make, instead of on credit. Buy only what you need and save for what you want. Plant a garden in part of your back yard. Ride the bus and train to work, or even a bike.
I know that you can handle anything. You didn't get this far to quit! Use what God has given you! You have talent(s) that you have not even tapped into yet! We are MEN! Start being it! You can do anything! Just believe, don't try, DO! Take no excuses and don't give any! God will bless you and your household 🙏 pray with your family and for your community. Most of all pray for yourself. Your heart/spirit will lead your mind if you allow it. Combined you will obtain inner peace and prosperity. 

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