Thursday, January 13, 2011

Time For Me

This has been a a very strange time for me. I have been at home for the past few weeks due to my job cutting hours. It has given me time to pray, meditate, read and study God's word; and great times with my family. I know that this year will be full of challenges that will be wisdom building experiences. Whatever wisdom I gain, will be shared with you. Spiritual growth and family prosperity is very important to me. However, remember prosperity is not always monetary, it is also quality of life that each of us desires for those we love and care for.

One of the first things I did was review my list. This list is truly two list in one. It is a list I did this summer . It is a list of what I like and what I dislike about my life. It was a very interesting and learning experience. It help me to realize the numerous hurdles that I still have to overcome. It also showed that I still had fears that are keeping me from living a better life.

It showed that I have spent a lot of time doing things that are not productive. In other words I am a "procrastinator". It is not surprising that so many people see me doing more than what I have accomplished. I guess I will never live up to my potential. It is hard when you have always made mistakes and refuse to learn from them. I think a lot of what I have not done. It has given me the thought that I spend to much time thinking about my past and mistakes , and not enough effort on what I can do right.

I feel it is now time to give myself the life that is equal to my potential. I have decide to take some time to change how I think about myself. There is nothing that anyone can do to change me I am the only one that can do it. It is time for me.

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