Monday, March 21, 2011

Which Do You Fear?

Adam was afraid and hide from God because he had sinned. But do we do so when we sin? No! We have become so bold that we do it the light. Some even do it in church and from the Pulpit! Some may do things in the dark, but God sees all, and the dark thinks we do will come to light. Why do we not fear God? We state easily that we love the Lord, but I never hear anyone( Pastor, Evangelist, Pastor or Bishop) say they fear God, and it is stated in scripture more times that I can count. Which do you fear most God, man or death?

I , like everyone else have sinned. I to do not fear God as I should. It hits me to the deepest part of my being that I do not reverence the my Lord God, as I should. I have allowed man and this world to dictate to me whom I should fear.

But I am learning to fear no man, for he can only harm my flesh, but not my spirit. Jesus, died not for this world, but for mankind to inherit the kingdom that can only be obtained by those who live by the spirit that is within. God is spirit. God's Breath that brought Adam to life can only be taken by God, which is the giver and taker of life. So who should you fear God or Man?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Excellent Spirit

Is it or is it not, true that living a holy life is the goal of every man and woman of God? Then don't get in my way (judge me) if I decide to live holy, just because you don't. To many times we allow others to dictate to us as to how we shall live. And I am not saying, that I'm better than anyone else, because we are all flawed. I just prefer to get to HEAVEN, not hell. I'm working on having a "excellent spirit" like Daniel. {Daniel 6:2-25}

Stop letting other dictate to you how you should live your life. If Jesus had listen to Peter, and the other disciples, would he had gone to the cross for your sins? Sometimes we have to live not as man wants us to, but as God wills us to. Stop letting the world and your flesh have control of your life. You live your life according to the laws that God gave to every man and woman of God.
  • love
  • prayer
  • loyalty
  • truth
  • forgiveness
  • grace
  • compassion
  • sacrifice
  • wisdom
  • faith
  • hope
  • joy
These and many other attributes are the keys to heaven. I not good at all of them, but I make every effort to do as God wills me. I know that we can have a better life when we put love into what we do. Don't do everything based on man's ideas of what is right. Look to God. Ask yourself sometimes-" How excellent is my spirit?"