Saturday, January 12, 2013

New Year is Cause for Change

New home, new start
We have been doing a great deal over the past few months. We have moved into our own place, my daughter as also gotten her own apartment. Then my son, his fiancee' and their son have moved around the corner from us. Then over the holiday, I lost my  job, was a total shock. In a way I am glad that it happened. It has given me a chance to rethink what I want to do for the remainder of my life. It is just my wife and I. This will be the first time in twenty-three years that we have be totally alone. I hope that it will give us time to work on some personal things.

       It is also time for me to put more focus and energy into my ministry because the job I had did not have that much respect for those that have a strong spiritual life. That is what is wrong with this country. The greed and lust for money has replaced our desire to have a strong spiritual life. We seem to have forgotten what is important in life. When I look at the news from around the world, all I see is war, terrorist, murder, rape, and hate. The very few acts of love and charity are far and between all the hell that we have allowed to come into our lives.
       I plan to get another job, but my career is my ministry and nothing else. We all have something to offer our families, our communities and in the long round, the nation. All the things considered, we all have to make an individual choice to care or not care about what is happening around us.      I know that one person can make a difference, just look at history. It is time that each individual start taking care of business that will bring about of change that will benefit not only the individual but also the community. The wealthy and powerful have a straw in all of us and they want to suck us dry. That is why we suffer in order to make life easy for them. That is why the Republican Party is only interested in taking care of themselves that are at the top of the food chain.