Sunday, October 3, 2010

Your life is Not Set

This is not from the Bible or any other book, but I know that it is influenced by all that I have read, seen, heard and thought. Your life is not set. It is not suppose to go in a certain direction unless that is your objective, desire or goal. It is not what suppose to go as other people want it to go, but as you shall move in the direction that your heart, mind and spirit desire to go. We have for far to long been influenced by outside forces that we have not totally agreed with.

We have gone with the flow because that is what we have been taught, or by the pressure of others. We don't have to move as other want us, but we should be moving in the direction that brings us to a better understanding of ourselves. NO ONE SHOULD BE TELLING YOU WHAT, HOW, OR WHEN TO THINK! But it seems that for many generations , we have allowed others to think for ourselves.

I understand that I am only one voice , one individual, on mind, one thought, but is it not strange, that one Man over thousand years ago, has change the world. Is it wrong to follow such an old way of thinking? I do not believe so. It is as been proven on every level that love can defeat any and all fears (false evidence appearing real).

When you look at yourself are you truly looking at yourself? When you look at someone else, are you truly seeing the other person or looking at the person's false self. The one that we all been taught to have and use , So that no one can get to know us. But God dose know inside and out. That is why I say your life is not set. God has given you free well to change your world. You are not part of this world, you are just on a lay over, you are on your way home.

You just stop by for the experience. This is not reality, this is a false environment that was made so that you could see, hear , speak, smell and touch. The real experience is with God, that is reality. The physical world and universe is God's creation for you to play with and in. That is why God says you are in the world ,but not of it. It can be changed at anytime that you desire it to change. God gave you the power to make it as you need it to be. Your will and desires make this place heaven or hell.

The enemy knows this and has been using it to his advantage sense the dawn of time. God has been waiting for you to realize that you have the power to set your life to the course back to the beginning, because Jesus opened the door. You just have to walk through it, into God's house. We each have one. You just have to remember where you left the doorknob......Your life is not Set.