Wednesday, August 18, 2010

God Bless

It seems that people have forgotten that life is to be experienced, not viewed on TV, the Internet, or spending hours playing video games. You can't get anything out of life until you put something into it. I know because I am guilty of all the above. We are not living life because we prefer to live life via a game or the internet. Both have there place and time, but how many hours,or days have gone by without you seeing or speaking to another human being face-to-face? When was the last time you took a walk just to look at the stars or clouds rolling by? It's time.. yesterday is gone. You only have right know. Do something with that, so it will benefit you and someone else! Hug someone that you love! Take a trip to see some you have been thinking about and you would love to see. GO! Get out of that depressed state of mind! RUN! Jump! Play with your kids or little sister or brother. Do what you dreamed about. Don't let F.E.A.R(False Evidence Appearing Rear) run your life ,you are in control. Live for today and dream for tomorrow to be better. God gave you life to experience all that was created for you to see and do. It was for you that our Heavenly Father created all of this. Why waste what God has made? However, if I am wrong, may God forgive me and you keep on doing what you are doing........LOVE, PEACE, HEALTH, PROSPERITY AND GOD BLESS!!!