Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lost: Families

I don't seem to understand why it is so hard for our families to come together or to forgive each other. I notice that we can more easily forgive a friend or stranger than a brother , sister, uncle, aunt or parent. What must we do to be able to forgive the ones we are suppose to love as family, over those that we know friend or neighbor? I mean, we more often will forgive and forget what was done by a friend than what your sister or brother did or said.

Love is suppose to be the glue that binds families together, but we let guilt, envy, jealousies, money, property and anger divide families for generations. The family sometimes never recovers the lose love, respect and joy that once was shared when growing up and living under one household. We have allowed the family to die due to the pride of the individual to have more weight than the love of family. We have allowed the outside influences to have more sway in our lives than love of family.

We need to find whatever will work to bring us together as a family, a community, a city , a nation and the entire world. What will stop the destruction of the family? God is waiting for all of us to realize that we are all one family. We live together, we die together. Let us start by praying as a family. Praying changes things. I've tested it. It brought my daughter off the streets and she is starting school in September. Thank God!