Tuesday, December 1, 2009

For the Holidays(Everyday)

Since Mankind is blessed to have the power, intelligence and knowledge to create instruments of destruction ; and the greater capacity to create beauty, joy and peace. Which would bring us closer to what God desired for us to be and achieve?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Your Spiritual Growth Is In Your Hands

This is going to be very brief. I am going to give you something to think about as it regards religion and the organized church. They are some Churches, Sects, Orders and Denominations that are not interested in your spiritual growth. They are not interested in you growing in faith and spiritual power, just coming to church (for your money) and not learning what you need to do to change your life for the better. We are here for three reasons as I see it: 1) to love God; 2) to love each other; 3) to experience life to the utmost!
The church is not a building, it is you! Religion is enslavement to a physical structure, a deity, a certain denomination and/or sect. God wants you to be free. Jesus wants you to be free. In fact, Jesus, never wanted a religion to be constructed based upon his teachings. Jesus taught that you are the church and you are to love God and each other, nothing more. Read your WORD and learn for yourself. It is true we all need guidance , but we learn through experience, not from what we are shown, taught, preached to, terrorized or brainwashed to believe. Just think about it.
When Jesus said that Peter is the Rock upon which he will build his Church (Matt16:15-17).Jesus was telling them that the statement that Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." These words are the foundation of the Church. What Peter said that showed his faith and belief in who Jesus is, that is the foundation upon which the Church will be built, not Peter himself. The "keys" are faith, love, and knowledge of the word that will give you the kingdom of heaven! I am not trying to change what you believe, only you can do that. I just want you to thing about how "Organized Religion" has "misused" God's word to suit the "needs" of those in power. Check it out for yourself!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Prayer Is Needed

There are a lot of things going on in the world today that I could talk about, but I only see that we are not doing what we can to stop the increase in violence among the young people of this country.

Everyone is concentrating on the economy, but no one is looking at the growing number of crimes among our children and young adults. They are killing each other with no regards or respect for life.

In most cases we are just standing by letting them do it. If you are fearful, lacking faith, or don't know what to do. Pray.

Prayer has the power to change things. Don't get it wrong , it is not going to change over night, but you have to start somewhere. Start with Prayer. The power is going to come when you and I pray together, along with everyone else.

That those that pray the same prayer can change the way life is, into what life can be. It can be peaceful, joyous, happy, prosperous, and wonderful. It all starts with prayer. Just try it, wait and watch what happens.