Thursday, September 11, 2008

Are we Being Fooled?

In remembering 9/11, I have great respect and give honor to all those that died and had lost someone that day. Their sacrifice SHALL ALWAYS BE A PART OF ALL OUR LIVES. I just believe that we, as a nation will end up giving up more than what many people thing we need to in order to "feel" safe. How great a sacrifice do we need to make for those that call themselves are Leaders or government officials? President Bush signed into law, the Homestead Act, which allowed a great number of changes that in time could take away our Bill of Rights. The reason I am saying this is that I believe, the way the laws are structured, we have given away our freedom to those that are suppose to protect us, in order give us a "safe and secure" nation . Are we? Here is a link for the Homeland Security Act read it for yourself. What do you think it says? What does it allow? Who does it effect? Read it!

The Homeland Security Act gives the government broad powers to the President,NSA , Homestead Security Department, Secret Service, FBI, Military, CIA and local Law enforcement in order to locate and prevent terrorism within the USA. I know that the Bush Administration has push this through at a time when we as a nation was in morning. They knew that we would be emotional and not consider what effect this will have on our children. We all wanted revenge (although, vengeance belongs To God alone) and justice for what had been done to the most "powerful nation in the modern world".

This attack showed that we could be hit and hit hard. We as a nation had the "Big Head Syndrome", that no one could touch us. That we had the technology and information to stop any terrorist attack before it reach our shores. Right? I do not want to dishonor in any way, shape , fashion or form; the people that died that day ,nor to disrespect their families or this nation. It is just not wise to believe that the Leaders of this "Great Nation" did not know that this was possible. That this could happen! That a plan was underway by terrorist to use us as a show of power. We must not let them off the hook. I not only mean the terrorist, but our Leaders also!

Whom is truly running this nation, in fact, who is running the world? It isn't you and me. Since God gave us the ability to choose, then why do we always choose to be ignorant? Why do we always choose to accept what people tell us as the truth. We are always told to " seek the truth, and the truth will set you free". But whose truth are you willing to believe? Are you willing to sacrifice your life for someone else's truth or are you willing to fight for the real truth and what is right for all mankind.? Just think about this and remember, if we destroy the world , where are we going to go!

Warning! this isn't pretty to watch! But you need to see all and hear all, in order to know what is true!